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The Free Room aims to promote a global, innovative, cultural agitator idea that characterizes the ZERO Box Lodge project.

It is intended to be used as a laboratory space, but it can retain its original function – a room where you can sleep. In this case, a room, a space where, in addition to everything else that can be proposed, you can stay. It has a special feature: it’s free.

But there are rules! And to that end, we have created a participation regulation that defines how this space/installation works, and in particular which proposals can be part of it.

  1. Requirements for participation:

1.1 All citizens, nationals or foreigners with authorization to visit or stay in Portugal, can register to take part in the Free Room. Entities with an idea or project that can be exhibited/lived in the Free Room, in a glass experience box, visible to all those who circulate in the ZERO Box Lodge and to the entire community connected physically and virtually to the digital concept of the ZERO Box Lodge (streaming of activities taking place in the Free Room) can also apply.

1.2 Only people over the age of 18 can register.

1.3 Inhabiting the Free Room will always imply an idea of art, of installation, of bringing something new that is also an experience for those who constantly watch what goes on inside the glass room.

1.4 Anyone submitting a proposal for the Free Room must send details of the project, the start and end date of the activity. The duration of the proposals may vary from one day, one week, one month – whichever is most suitable for the purposes of the proposal, and which is approved by the ZERO Box Lodge Management.

1.5 Participations or proposals that contain content that could be considered offensive or morally questionable, such as scenes of explicit sex, violence, etc., will not be considered valid.

1.6 No dangerous objects, explosive or flammable items or any other type of weapon that could endanger participants, visitors/guests or ZERO Box Lodge staff should be brought into the Free Room.

1.7 Projects can be developed in groups, although the maximum capacity for overnight stays is 2 people. This rule may, however, be changed if the administration finds that it is justified, within the scope of a proposal submitted and selected, to have a larger number of people staying overnight in space.

1.8 Only non-profit or commercial proposals will be considered for the Free Room, unless there is a justifiable reason related to the intervention/activity and after agreement by the ZERO Box Lodge administration.

1.9 Participation in the Free Room may not be related to or used for fraudulent, illegal, dangerous, defamatory or obscene purposes.

  1. Deadline for submitting proposals:

Proposals to join the Free Room may be submitted throughout the year.

  1. how to participate:

To take part, each person or entity must send their idea/proposal to the e-mail address , describing in detail the activity they are proposing, the date (start and end), the duration and the format in which the proposal will be carried out within the Free Room, as well as e-mail and cell phone contact details.

  1. Selection process:

4.1 The selection process will take into consideration the innovation, suitability and relationship of the proposal with the general environment of the ZERO Box Lodge project.

4.2 Those selected will be contacted for a more detailed presentation of the proposal to the ZERO Box Lodge administration, which should include information on how best to implement it in the Free Room.

4.3 Proposals will only be accepted at least 2 weeks in advance.

  1. Data protection:

5.1 During the period in which the selected idea/proposal is on display in the Free Room, images – photography, audio and video – will be taken by both ZERO Box Lodge and the public of all the activity that results from it.

5.2 During the entire period in which the selected idea/proposal is on display in the Free Room, the ZERO Box Lodge administration reserves the right to continuously record in photographs, audio and video all the activity carried out within the Free Room and to use these same photographs, audio and video in any of the formats and communication platforms used by the ZERO Box Lodge to communicate the Free Room project. Those selected will sign a document prior to their participation reinforcing this authorization.

5.3 The ZERO Box Lodge administration also reserves the right to publish all the activities carried out in the Free Room, either in full or by selecting just a few images.

5.4 Participants agree to the total transfer of images and the provision of content or any information, in any format. This clause is necessary and mandatory for the purposes of communicating the initiative in all formats and platforms, such as the official ZERO Box Lodge website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other media that exist or may exist and are used by ZERO Box Lodge.

5.5 All the points in this clause do not apply to the Free Room bathroom where no images will be taken.

  1. Changes and withdrawals:

6.1 The ZERO Box Lodge management may, in prior agreement with the participants and with at least two weeks’ notice, amend, suspend or cancel any proposal approved for the Free Room.

6.2 The artist is obliged to inform the ZERO Box Lodge management of any withdrawals, and proposals are not renewable, unless previously agreed with the ZERO Box Lodge management.

6.3 Changes to dates or the proposal are possible with the prior authorization of the ZERO Box Lodge management, 2 weeks in advance.

  1. General conditions:

7.1 All participants in the Free Room, whenever justified, must always follow the instructions of the ZERO Box Lodge staff present on site.

7.2 The ZERO Box Lodge management will not be held responsible for any personal accident, offense, loss or damage caused to or by participants, nor for the loss of any personal belongings of participants during their stay in the Free Room.

7.3 Any participant who acts in bad faith and takes part by distorting the proposal initially approved by the ZERO Box Lodge administration will be automatically excluded.

7.4 The mere fact of participating implies acceptance of the collection of images, sound and video, as well as their disclosure at any time, as well as the other rules contained in the regulations.

7.5 At the end of participation, the Free Room must be left in the state in which it was found, apart from normal dirt from use as accommodation. No painting, drilling, gluing or permanent intervention is allowed on any physical support inside or outside the space, including floors, ceilings, walls and furniture.

7.6 ZERO Box Lodge does not provide transportation for people or goods, unless previously agreed with the management.

7.7 Unless previously agreed with the ZERO Box Lodge administration, no meals will be provided for the participants and/or their teams of the projects/interventions presented in the Free Room.

7.8 Participants may use the social areas of the ZERO Box Lodge as any guest, including the sauna, respecting the cleanliness and recommendations of the staff.

7.9 The ZERO Box Lodge management may provide some tools or materials, agreed in advance.

7.10 The works created in the Free Room are the property of the participants, and the ZERO Box Lodge management reserves ownership of the images, sound and video captured in the room.

  1. Contacts: